Martes, Hulyo 9, 2013

Run With Venus

July 7 2013 21k  3:22
Ayala Terraces

Initially I didnt want to register in Run for Venus for 2 reasons.  1. 21k is P750  2. I was waiting for DYAR Sonshine radio run. Unfortunately, there is still no announcement from Sonshine radio and there are only 2 other runs for July, no 21K.

Unfortunately at the morning of the run, for some reason, my body wasnt into it. It went into a lazy mode even after the gun start. There were only about 200 runners (not surprised becoz of the high fee) and the mood wasnt really as festive as Hunat sugbo. The emcee announced that they have only 210 finisher’s medal, and those who doesnt receive the medal will have to get it next week. Hooboy..that really put a damper on things, I am a slow runner, does this mean no medal? Grrrghh

As expected I was left behind during the run. By the time I entered IT park, i was already the lone runner...grrr I hate fast runners...  The Results: 2nd to the last Runner...yey! There was an old guy behind me but he suddenly sprinted on our way back to escario...grrr... When I was almost at the finish line, I saw a guy holding 1! I got  a medal.. What a wonderful suprise. Now the bad news. No towel, no lootbag, no freebies. Thats the price you pay if you run 21k and esp. a slow runner. If there’s another Run for Venus Next year, I will definitely join the 6k. Promise.

The bad:
No promised timing chip. 3 water stations ran out of either  cups or water. Kulang sa distance marks. Well maybe I didnt see some of them. NO cold foam

The good.
There were still marshals around, yey!. Naay banana, chocolate and nutrilite

Excited to run with venus next year. I want freebies!
 Btw, who is Venus? hehe

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