Lunes, Hulyo 5, 2021

First Dose of Sinovac Done July 6 2021

Location : SM seaside 12 noon to 1:30 pm

Date: July 6, 2021. Received the text July 5 late night

Scheduled 2nd Dose: Aug 6
Vaccine: Sinovac

Madaming steps but it was fast. So Thanks

Sabado, Hulyo 3, 2021

The World Between US on GMA7 Starts on July 5, 2021 8pm after 24 oras (Monday to Friday)

Well I SURVIVED THE YEAR END REPORT FOR 2020, But the stressfull life of an accountant is NOTover, there are quarter reports and Budget Hearing reports.   Meet my stress reliever , Alden Richards, so Im going back to  tv watching again, starting this Monday , July  5 2021.  Yup, Ive decided to be a fan of Alden, no more loveteams for me. So join me in watching this drama



updates from me: applied for National ID last June 22 2021 at Robinsons Cybergate

I registered in PaBakunaTA, as A4 (Government) still waiting for that text

I attended GACPA Convention (a webinar) June 24 -25 2021

Registered online for renewal of my PRC ID, but Im scheduled past my birthday grrrr

Cebu City is still MGCQ and always run out of vaccines.

My sister is already in Cebu City but is staying in hotel. She comes to our house once a week to do laundries

I have a big problem coming up, our payroll officer will retire next year, so Im asking help from GOD to help me survive this major problem

currently working on the requirements on Budget hearing 2023. grrrrr