Martes, Enero 5, 2021

Kwentong Zoom - Comparison of 2 cellphones


REdmiNote 9 pro; Samsung A71 Galaxy

I purchased 2 new cellphones for 2020 1 REdmi Note 9 pro P13000+    1 Samsung Galaxy A71 P21,000+

I love Redmi Phones. I already have a Redmi Note 8. I decided to purchase cellphones for my zoom meetings. I used to use my old phone for  zoom conference, but its the same phone where I receive calls, so I just needed  a new one. Thank you to the loans for my cellphones

So my fave phone  for zoom is the Samsung phone.  Its slimmer and way way lighter than the Redmi

You can also play with virtual blackgrounds with your Samsung Galaxy.

I still love Redmi Btw.