Note: I filed for renewal for Drivers license last Aug 2016. I only received official receipt with a note, Valid up to 2021
Bad News: Fake news. 5 years effectivity started last Nov 2 2016. Therefore I conclude, 3 years is the effectivity of my drivers license. That means, I have to go thru the process again in 2019
Before you go to SM seaside, Please remember, they will only release 5 years effectivity of the Drivers license and they have a tarp which lists down the LTO offices such as bohol, etc. Only those LTO offices are qualified to have your Drivers license printed at Seaside.
So, I was asked to go to SM Seaside, but as it turns out, I was given the wrong advice.
At least I was able to go inside SM Seaside.
BTW, the LTO office in SM Seaside only accepts 300 persons, and are open 10am to 7pm. Monday to Saturday only. Be prepared for a long wait. Parang election ang peg hehe
Good News: AFter 2 years, I finally got my plastic ID drivers license. Hurray for me
Finally, after over 2 years, kuha ko na ang drivers license plastic card |