Lunes, Enero 20, 2014

I decided to stop running for now

Its over a week since cebu city marathon, still my right leg still hurts. I still walk with a limp.
The time is  almost 4:00 am, 21 Jan 2014, I finally made my decision. I have to give my running legs a rest for a while. I googled online, my condition  may be calf sprain, its a minor injury, only needs RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate). But as long as there's pain, its not advisable to run. I will recover but the injury will likely to happen again. There goes my plan for 42k. I am not  a suicide runner, I am a cautious runner thats why I'm so frustrated with this injury. But this is normal for runners. I do want to walk normally till I'm a hundred years old. I'm sad coz I have to give up the upcoming runs.  I'm sad coz I will probably gain back the weight that I lost.  I'm sad coz I've spent money on the future runs. I'f I heal, I may have to start all over again. Oh well, I'll just count my blessings. I have more time to focus on work. And I will run again.

Linggo, Enero 12, 2014

Cebu City Marathon 2014

Jan 12 2014 IT Park
21K 3:18
note: injury at right leg

This is the  first Cebu City Marathon with  RunRio as co-organizer and also credited by AIMS. One thing is for sure if Rio is involved, bring your own food hehe.  I stayed at UP Guest house because M Velez  st. will be closed at 3-4 a.m. I stayed in room 1 which was separated from 3-6 rooms where a group of noisy students stayed.
I could barely sleep with the all the noise, so I woke up and went out before 3:00 am. The gates were locked so I had to find  the guards who were sleeping by the way.
It was  raining allday   on saturday , I'm been dreading this run since the first raindrop fell. I decided to use my raincoat during the run coz it looked like the rain was never gonna stop. Overall i had a nice run, although i didnt like my time, 4 minutes longer compared to the PRC lapulapu run. The rain stopped for a while but it came back in full force at 6 a.m. I was drenched and injured when I arrived at the finish line. But IT WAS FUN.

Good stuff: Lots of runners were there, very festive. In every hydration table, theres gatorade.  The first time I've seen that much gatorade in a run. There were also dancers and lots of music. Love the route, we passed by lots of historical landmarks, I'm sure the tourists would be happy with the sights and srp was my fave as usual.

Bad stuff: there isnt really much. No fireworks this time, but thats okey.  I had a minor injury, i didnt know how i got it.  IT park was really muddy. No food but i expected it, as long as theres gatorade, I'm happy. Will I run on Jan 11, 2015? Just try and stop me. I wonder what will be the design of the new medal. To CCM, pwede pink ang color sa shirt next year? hehe

Freebies: finishers shirt and loot bag (black towel, water, gatorade and safeguard products) Thanks to all the sponsors.

Picture at the finish line. Still raining while doing this pic.

21k finishers medal

at the Guest House, preparing to Leave

my attempt at doing selfie while raining