Sabado, Agosto 24, 2013

UR 8 @ CDU

13K 1:51
August 25, 2013

Thank God for the nice weather! At first I was worried because of the news reports of the low pressure area in Surigao. It even rained at dawn. It turned out to be one of my fave runs, perfect weather..cloudy, not humid and a bit windy. The reason I joined cdu's run was because of the venue, I wanted to conquer 2 bridges. I'm not really fond of running in Mandaue because I am unfamiliar of the streets and since I'm a slow runner, I usually get left behind. But UR8 was an exception, I think I'm gonna join the 13k run every year. Lets hope for nice weather for every run.

Some points:

Love the shirt.

Love running at the mactan bridge (old and new) so cool and windy. I think all runners should experience it. You just wanna do it again and again. I wish someone took a pic of me at the bridge.

One of the hydration station ran out of plastic cups, its a minor thing coz may baon akong water. One tip though, if you are wearing a belt bag like I do,I usually put a plastic cup on my bag in case they ran out of cups. Helps me a lot esp. during longer distances.

Freebies: Pocari for 13 & 25k. Yey! Band aid at the finish line and a granola bar on the second bridge, although the lady didnt want to give it to me, I wonder why. If she didnt want to give it to a 13k runner, then they should have distributed it at cansanga bridge where only 25k runners can run. Also, they gave iced cold drinks with meatrolls for snacks. Just what I need.

See you next year for UR9. Salamat Doc Yong and Run for Sight

pic uploaded on 6-26-14. after 3 years of running, this is the only pic taken while running . so sad hu hu

Huwebes, Agosto 15, 2013

R399 Live for Your Dream

August 11, 2013 Cebu Business Park
6k 45 minutes  with finishers medal.
Note: no singlet, but all distances get finishers medal. the 12k runners get a finishers shirt. #sulit

I really wasnt too keen on running this R399 run since Cebu Business Park is not my fave running route ( concrete road is not good for my knees) but what the heck, its a day before my b-day, might as well get myself a medal for 6k.

The run was okey, it was participated by  the aheeemmm "old and experienced runners" &  a-listers. I wasnt performing my best, for some reason I got tired easily. The run started late, but it doesnt matter, the run was for Ramie, the triathlete who died while cycling during the  2012 Cobra Ironman. I didnt know the guy but I feel bad that he didnt finish. He must be a really great guy because he is well loved by the running community.

Maybe I will be participating next year. Lets wait and see.